If we’re going to work together, I want you to know what I’m about. Here are the values I use to guide my decisions.
Let the heart lead
Do the right thing, not the money thing.
Seek to understand where people come from. It earns respect.
Ask questions
"This is the way things have always been done" is a terrible justification for the way things are. See if there's a better way.
Work smart
Manage energy and prioritize. Sometimes prioritization is choosing what makes you feel alive over rhyme or reason.
Be kind
Relationships are all there is. How do you want to be remembered?
Say “fuck it”
Sometimes just do it. You probably won't become homeless or die. And even if you do, at least you went for it.
Keep shit simple
Life will become complicated. For anything you have control over, keep it simple.
Make art
When all else fails, make something beautiful. Just about anything can be art with the right intention.
Cynicism is for the weak
You can't always be optimistic, but spend more time recognizing beauty, practicing gratitude, and focusing on what you can control.
Give yourself permission to walk on walls, draw in the sand, and laugh at stupid things.
Little things matter
Small everyday actions matter just as much as the big ones.
Sleep your way to the top
Being rested is never a waste of time.